Author spotlight on the recent launch of Sheila McClendon’s book The UnUnited $tate of America: Creating Equality at the Financial Wealth Table.
By Michael Heath /

They say that timing is everything. The recent launch of Shelia McClendon’s book The UnUnited State of America appears to be very timely. This past summer saw protests and riots erupting in cities around the country. Voices screamed out for change. More equality. Better policing. Fairer treatment. To McClendon and many others, the United States appears to be ununited at a critical time in our history.
As an African-American woman, McClendon understands the frustration that many in minority communities feel. In her book, Shelia provides a different solution. One that focuses on the power of wealth creation and how that translates to sustainable change.

McClendon is against the rioting and looting. Maybe it is her background in finance that motivates her to always want a return on investment. Violent protests draw the news media but do not reap any benefit beyond awareness. The outcome of previous and recent court cases provides a prime excellent of the limited return. Burned-down buildings and destroyed property hurt the people living in those communities. The author prefers using clever strategies to bring about social change and uses many examples to prove her point. She writes about the Icelandic feminists who in 1975 demanded fairer treatment. They mounted a “day off,” forcing men to care for children and feed themselves. This act of women’s liberation set the stage for the country’s first female president five years later. McClendon highlights the Montgomery bus boycotts. The year-long refusal by African Americans to ride the buses (75% of the riders were black) led to the desegregation of the transit system and was a pivotal point in the civil rights movement.
The United States of America is always evolving. Many seminal events, including the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, civil rights legislation, and the ending of the Vietnam War, all brought important change. People with prescience forced a shift in the way we think as a nation, which ultimately brought us closer together. Changes will need to take place at the national and individual level to achieve long fought for visions of equality. Read McClendon’s book for an in depth look at how we can all make these United States a bit more united.
"The UnUnited $tate of America" can be purchased by going to my or ebook on