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Lawrence Scheg



Along with his career as a Reading Specialist, Professor Lawrence Scheg noticed students having the same, or very similar, spelling problems. He decided to create workbooks that would take away a lot of the mystery and confusion of how to spell these often confusing works.  The popularity of his books and flash drives has been steadily increasing, and he has presented updated editions of his books for the betterment of the communication skills of students everywhere - and in all walks of life. 



Conquering Often Confused and Misspelled Words

Conquering Often Confused and Misspelled Words

GENRE:  Non-Fiction WorkBook + Flash Drive

5th Edition

This workbook and Flash Drive contains some of the best approaches to deciphering and correcting the spelling of many of the English language words that are often misused and misspelled.


The enclosed Flash Drive contains study cards on printable templates, interactive puzzles, and audible practice tests. 


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Advancing College Vocabulary & Spelling Skills

GENRE:  Non-Fiction WorkBook + Flash Drive

3rd Edition

The workbook and Flash Drive were designed to help college-level students and anyone interested in refining their knowledge of the English language. 


The enclosed Flash Drive contains audio clips of all words for every chapter so students may hear the words correctly pronounced. Real pronunciation rather than computerized voices helps students learn word pronunciation. 


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Advancing Critical Reading, Writing, & Study Skills

GENRE:  Non-Fiction, Textbook

9th Edition

This textbook was written for all students who are serious in their pursuit of refining their reading skills. It is designed to challenge the reader to apply reading skills previously learned.


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