Johnnie R. Jackson Ph.D
Dr. Jackson is a subject-matter expert in Health IT and author of three books. His background is in Management Information Systems, healthcare, and the military. He pioneered the Electronic Health Records System for the U.S. Army Combat Units at Ft. Hood, Texas. And he is the Inventor of Record, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, for Utility Patent for “Systems and Methods for Portable Medical Records”.


A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare
GENRE: Non-Fiction, Healthcare
During Johnnie Jackson's 55 years in pioneering, developing, implementing, managing large complex and highly visible Health IT Programs, i.e., Walter Reed Army Hospital, Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General, obtaining a U.S. Patent in Portable Electronic Health Records System, researching and writing 3 books about health care in America, I have come to a panicking conclusion about the state of health care in America…..and how it got that way.
More About Johnnie R. Jackson
Johnnie is also the writer of two other books Obama Cares About America and Genocide of America: The Healthcare Tsunamis. He is featured in a SelfPublishingUS Author Spotlight.