Children's Books Templates
Have you ever had an idea for a children’s book? Maybe you did but never moved forward because you thought you needed and agent or publisher to do it. The truth is, you do not need either one. You can control your book project, publish it and not have to share the proceeds with anyone else.
Choose from one of three industry standard sized templates: 8 x 10, 10 x 8 or 8 x 8. These templates are free to anyone!
Children's Book Trim Sizes Demystified?
10 x 8” BOOK - This popular oblong (landscape) size works well with certain limitations.
In quantities from 100, 500, 1000 or 2,500. it fits most printing and binding.
Size 10 X 8 Children's Hardcover Book Template

8 x 10” BOOK - This is probably the most popular illustrated children’s book size of publishers small and large for several reasons. The primary reason is the size can be manufactured efficiently whether the quantity is 100, 500, 1000 or 2,500.
Size 8 X 10 Children's Hardcover Book Template

8 x 8” BOOK - This is another, manufacturing-driven, popular trim size. As with the 8 x 10” size, this size fits well on most standard printing and binding equipment. Many of the same things that work well artistically with the landscape trim, can be accomplished with this trim size. 100, 500, 1000 or 2,500.
Size 8 X 8 Children's Hardcover Book Template