Frank Shelton, JR
Frank Shelton, Jr. is an author, speechwriter, and speechmaker. He began his career as a White House Police Force Officer, then wrote speeches for congressmen and senators. Now he spreads the word of God in books and speaking engagements.


GENRE: Christian, Politics
A minister's journey leading up to the lockdown in March 2020. Frank Shelton preaches the Gospel against tyranny, draconian over-reach, and strengthened the spines of citizens nationwide with one message - JESUS is our only hope! If we have ever needed to get our house in order it is now! The sands of time have almost slipped through the hourglass. While we have been distracted with the temporal, we need to start thinking of the eternal.
available on www.amazon.com
More About Frank Shelton, Jr
Frank Shelton was featured in a SelfPublishingUS Author Spotlight. "The Time Is Now"